Salut .
My name is Bobi, I am a pool player, top-amateur, and from the experience I got from the 16 years of playing pool, I thought to prepare a technical program for players with level beginner-intermediate, seniors.
Because of this program, the Romanian Billiard-Pool Federation gaved me a instructor authorization for initiating new players into the art of billiad.
In this training I will reveal for you the basic billiard technique so you will lonely develop your senses for billiard, in a practice of 3 hours every day.
With the shown technique, you will become a amateur player, impressing your friends with a good quality game.
To put your name on the list of the top players from your city, or your country, besides the 3 hours of practice, you have to dedicate every day 3 hours more, for the same technique.
The consequences of the 6 hour practice, will be remarkable, but each one we fit into some possibilities in function of some aspects, aspects of our lives that has the purpose to improve ourselves.
The difference between amateur and top-amateur is not made by the technique, but it`s made by the capacity of each to analyze and feel every strike on the cue ball.
The purpose of this program is to develop your skills for the games of billiard.
The program is composed by 3 easy steps, each step one week. For 100% succes, you have to follow the steps exactly as I show them.
So, let`s begin...
My name is Bobi, I am a pool player, top-amateur, and from the experience I got from the 16 years of playing pool, I thought to prepare a technical program for players with level beginner-intermediate, seniors.
Because of this program, the Romanian Billiard-Pool Federation gaved me a instructor authorization for initiating new players into the art of billiad.
In this training I will reveal for you the basic billiard technique so you will lonely develop your senses for billiard, in a practice of 3 hours every day.
With the shown technique, you will become a amateur player, impressing your friends with a good quality game.
To put your name on the list of the top players from your city, or your country, besides the 3 hours of practice, you have to dedicate every day 3 hours more, for the same technique.
The consequences of the 6 hour practice, will be remarkable, but each one we fit into some possibilities in function of some aspects, aspects of our lives that has the purpose to improve ourselves.
The difference between amateur and top-amateur is not made by the technique, but it`s made by the capacity of each to analyze and feel every strike on the cue ball.
The purpose of this program is to develop your skills for the games of billiard.
The program is composed by 3 easy steps, each step one week. For 100% succes, you have to follow the steps exactly as I show them.
So, let`s begin...
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Despre mine . About me .
Salut ,
numele meu este Bobi C. Ciulin nascut pe data de 16 aprilie 1981 in Constanta . Tatal meu a deschis un club de biliard cu 3 mese , cand aveam 15 ani , asa ca am jucat aproape in fiecare zii , uneori si noaptea :) pana cand am descoperit ce inseamna biliardul in esenta lui . In acest fel mi-am dat seama ca biliardul este sportul meu preferat . Talentul meu pentru biliard era extraordinar . M-am calificat la Turneul national din Romania , bila 8 , la 15 ani , unde am fost clasat in primii 32 .
Mai tarziu am jucat in mai multe competitii neoficiale din orasul unde locuiesc si m-am nascut , Constanta , competitii in care am ajuns cel putin pe locul 4 .
De curand am jucat in competitia Tacul de Aur , organizat in Constanta . M-am calificat in primii 32 de jucatori . Nu am reusit mai mult pentru ca nu am sustinut un antrenament adecvat inainte de concurs si am avut o pauza de joc de cativa ani .
Stilul meu de joc este caracterizat prin incredere si siguranta . Pot juca orice lovitura cu incredere , nu are importanta pozitia . Imi place jocul bun calitativ , bilele calculate cu efect . Reusesc un control bun asupra bilei albe .
Pierd jocuri din cauza ca uneori imi pierd concentratia din diferite motive . La acest aspect lucrez acum , pentru a fii concentrat 100% in orice partida , fapt la care deja am facut unele schimbari frumoase .
Poti juca contra mea in jocul de calculator Virtual Pool 4 , in timpul turneelor . :)
De curand am obtinut de la Federatia Romana de Biliard-Pool o autorizatie de instructor biliard pentru seniori, nivel incepator.
Hi ,
my name is Bobi C. Ciulin borned on 16 april 1981 in Constanta Romania . My father opened an billiard club with 3 tables when I was 15 years old , so I played almost every day , sometimes in the nite also :) untill I discovered the essence of billiard . I realized that billiard is the sport I like most . My skills for playing were great . I was qualified for Romanian national tourney , 8 ball , at 15 years old . Later I been playing non official competitions in Constanta , in wich I won at least 4th place .
My style of playing is confident . I make any shot with confidence , it doesn`t matter the position , I don`t prefer to play safety shots because I have the skill to play good , on tough positions . I like the good quality game made with shots calculated with english on the cue ball :) .
I make a good control on the cue ball .
I am loosing games because I lose concentration sometimes . I am working on this at the moment , to achieve 100% concentration , in which , I already have made some nice changings .
By the way , You can play against me in the PC Game Virtual Pool 4 during the tourneys . :)
Recently I obtained from the Romanian Billiard-Pool Federation a pool instructor authorization, for senior players with beginner level.